Bishop John O. Barres has invited all parishes within the Diocese of Rockville Centre to participate in a new, online Evangelization video series and website. The series, called "Presence" will be broken down into three episodes for each Sunday in the month of August with a bonus episode on the biblical foundations of the Eucharist. Watch your E-mail, visit, or look for details on how to register for this complimentary parish and school community wide program in this weekend's bulletin. For more informaton go to
To help with the ease of school supply shopping and returning to school, we’ve created an OPTIONAL way for you to do it all online in a bundle by grade level. If you are interested, just click on the link below to purchase your child/children’s school supplies before JUNE 30th. Your school supplies will be delivered with name labels to the school before September. This will eliminate the last minute scrambling to Staples and carrying those bulky school supplies on the first day of school. Just remember to purchase them before JUNE 30th for guaranteed delivery to St. Mary’s. Click here to order school supplies online