The school nurse's office is located near the Main Office and is open throughout the school day. The nurse is responsible for the maintenance of health records, routine health checks, parent contact concerning health problems, care of minor injuries, assisting in health teaching, and vision, hearing and scoliosis screening. Parents should contact the nurse if a child is absent from school due to a communicable disease. When a student has recovered from a communicable disease, he/she must bring a release slip to the school nurse. If it is absolutely essential that a student receive medication while under school supervi¬sion, the parent may: • come to the school and personally administer the medication, or • have a doctor complete and sign an Authorization to Administer Medication Form. The nurse will then administer the medication provided that the medication is in the original pharmacy-labeled container.
New York State Education Department requires written authorization for the administration of medications in school. The top section of the form is to be completed by the parent and the physician must complete the lower section. This complete form must be returned to the Health Office by September 1. This authorization policy applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol.Some children may be ready to return to school even if they are still taking medication. We need to have signed notes from the doctor and the parent giving permission to dispense the medicine. All medication should be in the original container.Complete the form for any medication which may be required on a daily basis or as needed (for headaches, asthma, allergy, etc.) during the school year. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this mandated medication policy.